Capital Improvements Plan, Marine Corps Base
Camp Pendleton, CA

Talega (64 Area) Cantonment Master Plan, Marine Corps Base
Camp Pendleton, CA

Building 1 Galley Repair, Naval Medical Center
San Diego, CA


Footprint Reduction Program Projects, NASNI, Coronado, CA JIEDDO COE Study and MCON Documentation, Fort Irwin, CA
Naval Special Warfare, Shore Infrastructure Plan, Pearl City, HI
Functional Study for SWRMC, NB, San Diego, CA
McMillan Airfield Study, Camp Roberts, CA
Los Pinos Camp BOS SRM Analysis, Los Pinos, CA
NSW Range Development Plan, Camp Michael Monsoor, CA
Space Utilization Study, MCAGCC, Twentynine Palms, CA
Functional Master Plan Update, MCAS Yuma, AZ
Mini-Master Plan, MCAGCC, Twentynine Palms, CA
Grow the Force Charrette, MCAGCC, Twentynine Palms, CA
MILCON and Site documentation, NSA/NASJRB NOLA, New Orleans, LA
Space Utilization Study for USMC Regionalization, MCB, Camp Pendleton, CA
Activity San Diego Moorings, NB,San Diego, CA
Tactical Support Center, NASNI, Coronado, CA
Convert Hangar 1456, NASNI, Coronado, CA
DD1391, Building 56, NB, San Diego, CA
Facilities Utilization, Building 78, MCB, Camp Pendleton, CA
Pound Hall, Building 10, Navy Supply Corps School, Athens, GA
Capital Improvements Plan, Marine Corps Base
Camp Pendleton, CA

1391 MILCON and Maintenance and Repair (M2R2) project development services were provided to the facilities planning department at MCAS Camp Pendleton. To meet the scope requirements a total of thirty projects were developed or updated over a two-year period. Challenges related to this project were related to funding. Many projects were completed within a very short period of time (two to four weeks) to adhere to Headquarter Marine Corps funding schedules. The quick turn-around required an integrated team approach. The projects involved field investigation of existing facilities and sites to determine project content and site related cost effects. Project component research, site planning, phasing and sequencing of projects, facility requirements, detailed cost estimating, 1391 workbook and web based electronic project generator (EPG) data input were included in the projects.

Project types included repairs and improvements to fire protection systems, hangar roofs, hangar doors, communications rooms, administrative spaces and comprehensive airfield paint markings. New construction projects included aircraft fuel tanks, helicopter rotor blade storage racks, conversion of a warehouse to a simulator high bay and construction of new storage facilities that help relocate materials off of needed aircraft maintenance hangar floors.